Articles & Updates

Glenn Miller, M.D. is a weekly contributor to the Santa Barbara News-Press.  His column, Healthy Mind – Healthy Future, can be found every Saturday on page A2.  The topics for the column are often initiated by personal questions from the readership audience.

Our Brain-Scrubbing System

  Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub; and who do you think they be? – Nursery Rhyme   We have known for quite some time that too little sleep can really deplete your brain’s energy, but scientists have really never understood why.  That is until a recently published study conducted by Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, director of the...


The Isla Vista Rampage

  “Nothing good ever comes of violence.” – Martin Luther     Yet another senseless tragedy befalls our community.  And yet another day, week, and likely months to come of asking the question --  Why?  It has been eight days now since 22-year old Elliot Rodger wantonly murdered six people in Isla Vista before...


Skin-Picking Disorder

  “My fingernail itches. I need to scratch it with my skin.Jarod Kintz, This Book Has No Title     Skin-picking disorder, also known...


Our Broken Mental Health Care System

  “We’re protecting civil liberties at the expense of health and safety,” - Doris A. Fuller, Executive Director of the Treatment Advocacy Center,       As those of you who have read my column over the almost three years I have been writing my weekly feature are aware, I have...


Delusional Misidentification Syndrome

“The moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was somebody else, somebody I could love. And since somebody else never showed up, I did fall in love with her.” – Jarod Kintz   Mental disorders affect many millions of people worldwide.  In some cases, the psychological problems experienced are exceedingly rare and/or bizarre.  In...