Articles & Updates

Glenn Miller, M.D. is a weekly contributor to the Santa Barbara News-Press.  His column, Healthy Mind – Healthy Future, can be found every Saturday on page A2.  The topics for the column are often initiated by personal questions from the readership audience.


The hypochondriac's epitaph: "NOW will you believe me?" - Unknown Hypochondria, or as it is medically known, Hypochondriasis (sometimes referred to as ‘health phobia’ or ‘health anxiety’) is a condition in which a person believes that he or she is, or is likely to become, ill when no actual signs of illness can be identified.  It...


Overeaters Anonymous

“We have it in our head that if we fill our stomachs, we’ll fill our hearts.” ― Kate Wicker, Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body Overeaters Anonymous (OA) provides individuals with compulsive eating issues a program of recovery using their...


Why We Make New Year’s Resolutions, and Why We Should

"Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility.  Breaking them is part of the cycle." – Eric Zorn According to the dictionary the definition of making New Year’s resolutions is “setting goals for the New Year.”  As to where or how...


Alone for the Holidays

"The happiest of all lives is a busy solitude." – Voltaire As the song says, Christmas is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.  But, what about when it’s not?  Seasonal ads, and the hype associated with this time of year, leads us to think that the only way to attain true holiday happiness is to be spending it surrounded by...


Dealing With Holiday Stress

"Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven’t fallen asleep yet." – Anonymous It is easy to get all worked up over the collection of seasonal tasks like gift buying and wrapping, writing and mailing cards, baking, and the countless other deadlines surrounding the holidays.  If the holidays are stressful for you, trust...